Welcome to The Polesworth School

I am privileged to lead The Polesworth School.

Education brings with it the responsibility to prepare the young people in our care for happiness and success in their adult lives.  Polesworth provides care, support and guidance to ensure that your son or daughter achieves their full potential.

Polesworth takes great pride in shaping the academic, pastoral and social aspects of your child’s life. This is based upon fundamental basics that include trust, respect and quality first teaching.  We equally place emphasis on keeping children safe and ensuring that the welfare of our students is paramount.

Students in our care thrive and flourish to become well-balanced and well educated individuals who are empowered to make effective contributions to their wider community.

The educational landscape is changing dramatically and Polesworth responds superbly to these changes through our curriculum offer, the high quality of teaching and learning that takes place every day and our innovative practice.

We very much look forward to working in partnership with you in guiding your son/daughter through the next stage of their development.

I would warmly welcome you to Polesworth to see for yourself the mix of warmth, fun, strong relationships and personal and academic achievement that makes Polesworth so special.

Maura Favell


Class Charts

Parents Evening

Parent Pay



PSHE, RSE and Citizenship

Worried about your safety or the safety of another? Email us at help@thepolesworthschool.com, either in or out of school hours.
In the case of an emergency where a child is at immediate risk of harm, contact the Police on 999 or Children’s Social Care on 01926 886922 for immediate support.

Click here to access websites and telephone numbers for more support.

School Uniform

Branded uniform items must only be purchased from our sole supplier – Anglia.  Please do not purchase from other suppliers as they should not be selling branded items and they do not meet our requirement standards.  Please see the link below for Anglia:

Official Supplier – Anglia

Letters and Notices

Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week – 3rd – 7th February 2025

“Know yourself, Grow yourself”. Place2Be is a children’s mental health charity with over 30 years’ experience working with pupils, families and staff in UK schools.

This year for Place2Be’s Children’s Mental Health Week, we are excited to team up with the characters from Inside Out 2 to explore the importance of expressing our emotions.

To promote mental health and the theme, there will be a few things happening next week…..

Year 7/8 Discussion Group

Wednesday 5th February during breaktime in the Library for Year 7/8 with free biscuits!  An open discussion group with our School Counsellor, Mrs Asbury and the well-being ambassadors, discussing our emotions, what we struggle with and what our strengths are.

Fundraising Bake Sale

Thursday 6th February throughout lunchtime – to raise money for Place2Be. Please send your child in with some cash, so they can buy a cake!

Information Stall

Outside the hall all week during lunchtimes.


Useful Forms

Application for Leave of Absence During Term Time

Warwickshire County Council

Warwickshire County Council provide a range of public services across the Warwickshire area.

Children and families – Warwickshire County Council

The Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) Programme

This is funded by the Department for Education (DfE) to provide young people who are in full-time education (Reception to Year 11) and eligible for benefits-related free school meals with access to enriching activities and meals, for free, during the three main school holidays – Winter, Spring and Summer:

HAF – More Information

Warwickshire Local Welfare Scheme

The Warwickshire Local Welfare Scheme helps the most vulnerable residents at times of unavoidable crisis when they have no other means of help.
It also administers the Household Support Fund, which provides one-off financial support for people in need. It can help families with children, other vulnerable households and individuals facing hardship, to ensure that they have the support they need to afford food, energy, water bills and associated costs.

Click here for more information

Hardship Support Leaflet

Second-Hand Uniform

Please be aware that second-hand uniform in now available for purchase from Acorns Children’s Hospice charity shop in Tamworth.

Acorns Children’s Hospice in Tamworth are taking uniform donations, and also selling second hand uniform.  Donations can be made directly to Acorns or to reception here at school and we will make sure it gets to Acorns.

If you wish to purchase uniform from Acorns Children’s Hospice, please check here to ensure that the uniform you purchase is current and appropriate.

School Office Opening

The School Office is open from 8.00am – 4.00pm each day except Fridays when it will close at 3.30pm.

If you have any queries, please email admin@thepolesworthschool.com or telephone 01827 702205

Sport in the Local Area

Staying active is really important for many reasons.  Here is an easy to use table of local sporting clubs / organisations. All you need to do is scan the QR code for the relevant sport /activity  (see QR code below).

Sports Facility Hire

Would you like to hire our sports facilities for one of your events on either weekday evenings or weekends?
Sports facilities available to hire.  To see some photos click here

Dance Studio
Sports Hall
Tennis Courts
Field (weather permitting)

We have changing facilities that you can use for your events.

If you are interested and would like to know more details, please get in touch with our Facilities Manager- Mrs Ryan via email: j.ryan@thepolesworthschool.com

Instrument Amnesty

Do you have a musical instrument that you no longer use? Why not donate it to our Music Department.

Click here for more Information

Music Lessons

Click here if you are interested in starting music lessons.

Important Dates

Year 13 Parents Evening

13th February

Y9 Options Assembly

3rd - 14th February

Half Term

17th - 21st February

School Closed to Pupils

24th February

Year 9 Options Evening

27th February