Mental Health

What is Mental Health?

We all have mental health, just as we all have physical health. Being mentally healthy means that we feel good about ourselves, we can make and keep positive relationships with others and can feel and manage the full range of emotions.

These can range from happiness, excitement, and curiosity through to less comfortable feelings such as anger, fear or sadness. Good mental health allows us to cope with life’s ups and downs, to feel in control of our lives and to ask for help from others when we need support.

What can affect our Mental Health?

Our mental health can change, just life our physical health. There are many different life events and experiences that can affect how we feel mentally. These can range from things such as the start or end of relationships, a bereavement, family difficulties, loss of a job, receiving good news or being worried about those we are close to.

Well-being Toolkit

The Well-being toolkit is designed as an information resource for you to dip into as needed and is divided up into different sections. There are many things we can do day to day to help maintain or build positive mental health. Our physical and mental health are closely connected so it is important to consider how we are looking after ourselves physically when we want to help our mental health.

Our lifestyle choices and physical health can have a massive effect on our mental health and emotional wellbeing. Whilst therapies and coping strategies are always helpful, they can be limited if our lifestyle habits are not particularly healthy. Making changes in sleep, diet and exercise can be instrumental in both improving our emotional wellbeing but also in preventing future mental ill health.