Frequently Asked Questions
How does The Polesworth School know if my child needs extra help?
- Liaison with primary/previous school.
- Concerns raised by parents/carers
- Concerns raised by teaching staff or non- teaching staff e.g Student Support Managers, Restorative Practice Coordinator, Behaviour managers, TAs etc.– through a completed purple concerns form
- Liaison with external agencies ·
- Tracking and analysis of progress data.
- Deep Dives
What should I do if I think my child may have a special educational need or disability?
- Contact The Inclusion Department – or (admin support) or phone 01827 702205 and ask for Inclusion
How will I know how The Polesworth School supports my child?
- All intervention which takes place is communicated home by a member of the Inclusion team or individual teaching staff.
- Regular meetings with key contacts at the school e.g Annual Reviews, parental meetings
- Opportunity to meet with SENCO at Parents Information Evenings and parents evenings
- The SENCO will contact you where there are particular concerns.
- Parents/carers are also welcome to contact the School to make an appointment to share any concerns.
- All students on the SEND register will have a Pupil Passport and/or a learning plan which is shared with parent/carers and teaching staff
How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?
- Students are streamed according to ability in core subjects from year 8. Students with SEND placed in smaller groups, wherever possible.
- TA support across the curriculum, where appropriate.
How will I know how my child is doing?
- Student Progress Evenings. – Mr Rosten-Smart (SENCO) attends all parents evening.
- Student Progress Reports.
- Annual Reviews for those with an EHCP.
- Professionals meetings if required.
- Regular meetings/telephone contact with the SENCO and/or Head of Year
- Key worker for all SEND students
How will you help me support my child’s learning?
- Home school communication
- SENCO email account for parents to contact the SENCO if there are any issues out of school hours.
- Welcome Evening for new Year 7 parents/carers.
What support will there be for my child’s overall well-being?
- Support through a well-established system of pastoral care.
- Keyworkers meet all SEND Students fortnightly or weekly if necessary.
- Referral to the School Counsellor after discussions with parents/carers, if required.
- Close contact with CAMHS for supporting the recommendations provided by medical professionals for the improved well-being of the student.
What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?
- Educational Psychologist, Warwickshire EPS
- Support through the Early Help Assessment (EHA)
- Support from a qualified and accredited SENCO, a Deputy SENCO and an Inclusion Manager
- Referral to STS for a specific assessment and recommendations.
- Support from a Literacy Intervention Coordinator, School Counsellor and Behaviour Manager, where appropriate, Head of Year, form tutor
What training are the staff supporting children and young people with SEND had or are having?
- There is regular communication from the SENCO to staff and sessions during INSET days.
- Circle of Adults for specific students delivered by SENCO, Teacher in charge of Children Looked After, and EP.
How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?
- Adaptation of the activities
- Risk assessments are carried out prior to any off-site activity. Whilst every effort is made to provide equality of opportunity for all students, in the unlikely event that it is considered unsafe for a child to take part in an activity, then every effort will be made to provide an alternative activity which will cover the same curriculum areas, where the activity is considered an essential part of the curriculum.
How accessible is the school environment?
- The School prides itself in being able to support students with a range of disabilities.
- All curriculum areas, apart from Geography and Sociology, are accessible either through being on the ground floor or through the use of a lift. For students that cannot access the rooms on the first floor of Editha building every effort will be made to move the class to a more suitable rook
How will the school prepare and support my child when joining?
The Polesworth School or transferring to a new school or post-16 provision?
- Transition meeting between the Year 6 teacher and the Transition Co-ordinator.
- Year 6 parents evening for all new students and an opportunity to meet with the SENCO
- SENCO meets with each students’ previous SENCO
- SENCO attends the annual reviews at previous school, where possible.
- Transition Days for post-16
- Assemblies delivered by Post 16 providers
How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?
- Our team of 12 Teaching Assistants, 1 HLTA and Deputy SENCO, Inclusion Manager and SENCO are funded from the SEND budget.
- The budget is allocated on a needs basis. The children who have the most complex needs are given the most support often involving TA in class support.
- The distribution of the TAs is allocated to support as many students with SEND as possible and reviewed regularly.
- Those on an EHCP, the SENCO will apply on behalf of the student for additional funding to support the individual within the school environment.
How is the decision made about how much/what support my child will receive?
- If there is an ECHP already in place, discussions will take place at the Annual Review meeting
- Exams concession testing may be used to identify what special access arrangements are needed for examinations
- Students are all treated as individuals.
- On-going discussions between parents/carers and SENCO
- Students may move off the SEND register if they make sufficient & sustained progress.
How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education?
- Consultations with the SENCO
- Regular parents evenings and curriculum evenings
Who can I contact for further information?
- Mrs K Taylor, Admin Assistant to the Inclusion Department –
- SENCO and Transition Coordinator: Mr P Rosten-Smart – or
- Heads of Year
- Year 7 – Mr Zeki
- Year 8 – Mr Warden
- Year 9 – Mr White
- Year 10 – Mrs Shafiq
- Year 11 – Mr Ravenscroft
- Year 12 – Mrs Harris
- Year 13 – Mr Cairns
- Student Support Managers: Mrs J Grigg and Mrs D Williams
- SENDIAS – SEN information, advice and support services – 02476 366054
- Warwickshire Local Offer
- Staffordshire Local Offer
- Family Information Service – 01926 742 274 families