Homework and Independent Learning
We believe that homework, when used correctly can help students to achieve their potential more fully than if we simply relied on study conducted during the timetabled curriculum. There is clear evidence that successful students make progress when they embrace homework and where they take the opportunity to enjoy, consolidate and extend their learning. Through homework, students become flexible independent learners able to cope with the demands of a future working life. “Key Principles Extensive meta-research” conducted by the Educational Endowment Foundation reveals several key principles in the setting of homework which allow for that work to have the most significant impact and these have been adopted within our approach. Departments have flexibility within Years 7-9 to set either independent learning projects (ILPs) which are a series of structured tasks which are designed to encourage a degree of independence in the student or set regular short homework tasks which are clearly linked to the classroom learning. In Years 10-13 departments set regular homework tasks which are clearly linked to the classroom learning which may include research for forthcoming lessons or tasks linked to assessments and final exams. Many of our departments set homework using online platforms such as Hegarty Maths and Educake.
All of our students are also encouraged to undertake independent study and retrieval practice and this is reinforced through study skills sessions, parents information evenings and assemblies.