The seven-year curriculum model
As previously outlined our curriculum is carefully sequenced to enable learning to be built upon prior knowledge from the previous year and Key Stage.
Year | Key curriculum points |
7 | A broad and balanced curriculum which builds upon the knowledge embedded from Key Stages 1 and 2.
National curriculum delivered with some curriculum adaptations to meet specific high-level needs. All students regardless of reading age engaged in the Accelerated Reader Programme. Students taught in mixed ability groups for all subjects. |
8 | A broad and balanced curriculum which builds upon the knowledge embedded from Year 7 as well as Key Stages 1 and 2.
National curriculum delivered with some curriculum adaptations to meet specific high-level needs. All students regardless of reading age engaged in the Accelerated Reader Programme. Students are taught in mixed ability groups for Technology and PE and are moved into ability groupings (āsetsā) forĀ ScienceĀ and Languages. They are taught in ability banded groups for all other subjects led byĀ English. |
9 | A broad and balanced curriculum which builds upon the knowledge embedded.
National curriculum delivered with some curriculum adaptations to meet specific high-level needs. Students are taught in mixed ability groups for Technology and PE and are moved into ability groupings (āsetsā) forĀ ScienceĀ and Languages. They are taught in ability banded groups for all other subjects led byĀ English. |
10 | All Level 2 formal courses begin.
Students continue to study English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science and Religious Studies as well as three options (plus Languages for all T pathway) Work experience provided for one full school week. Students are taught in ability banded groups within their allocated pathway forĀ English, Mathematics, Science, Languages and Religious Studies. Options subjects are taught in mixed ability groups although, where multiple classes of the same subject appear in an option block, departments can group students in the way that they feel would benefit their subject and student achievement. |
11 | Students continue to study English Language, English Literature, Mathematics, Science and Religious Studies as well as three options (plus Languages for T pathway).
Careers interviews for CIAG this year. Students are taught in ability banded groups within their allocated pathway for English, Mathematics, Science and Religious Studies. Options subjects are taught in mixed ability groups although, where multiple classes of the same subject appear in an option block, departments can group students in the way that they feel would benefit their subject and student achievement. |
12 | The vast majority of students choose to study three courses, however, some students are allowed to study four courses after careful consideration and discussions with the Director of Sixth Form.
Each Level 3 course is designed to be of maximum benefit to the students and planned in a way that explicitly builds upon prior learning while sympathetically introducing new content. Students are supported in accessing specific work experience and/or opportunities which will help them to access their next planned phase of education, employment or training. |
13 | All students continue to study three courses, however, some students who studied four courses in Year 12 are allowed to reduce to three after discussions with the Director of Sixth Form especially if they have sat the AS exam.
Significant help and support in progressing to the next planned phase of education, employment or training including CIAG. |