Back to School Anxiety

Feeling anxious or worried about returning to school is a normal response, especially after a long break.

If your young person has experienced a big change like transitioning to secondary school or moving into further education, this can generate feelings of worry and anxiety.

The start of an academic year will mean a change of year group for students. This may bring new challenges, which whilst exciting can also feel overwhelming. Changes like different teaching groups and teachers can also evoke feelings of anxiousness.

It is important to remember that these feelings will usually settle down after a few weeks or months.

However, if these feelings persist, it may be your young person would benefit from some additional support. Contact the school if you are worried and we will be able to provide support or direct you to the help you may need.

Below are a couple of videos that you may find helpful talking about back-to-school anxiety, stress and some helpful tips.

What are the effects of back-to-school anxiety - Pete English

6 tips to help your child with back-to-school anxiety